Trashy Town and High Taxes

We have noticed that complaints to the City regarding their practices are often met with retorts that Burbank is among the best cities to live in anywhere. In our opinion, the City compares itself too often to mediocre towns near and far away. We prefer to have our government use common sense and fix problems that are clearly problems.

Bus Shelter on Magnolia at Buena Vista in front of Taco Bell.

This image is emblematic of well-meaning but expensive and bad ideas.

This bus shelter trash receptacle is made from ordinary steel so it rusts, meaning it will require frequent sand blasting and repainting to fix the rust. Steel is cheaper than stainless steel so the lowest bidder won the contract to install these trash receptacles. Unfortunately, in the long run, steel will cost us all more because the ongoing maintenance will be expensive. Concrete base containers or those made from corrosion-free metal would have made more sense.

Aside from that, taxpayers are funding a trash receptacle that is right next to a high-volume commercial food business. Even if we don’t frequent Taco Bell at Buena Vista and Magnolia, we are paying for their customers’ trash. And that’s not fair to all of us.

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